The Race that Fleeces a Nation

Another Melbourne Cup day. An opportunity for everyone to don a hat and pretend they are wealthy for a day. The resulting throbbing hangover and realisation that not only will your outfit that cost a small fortune will be out of fashion next year, but that the rich now also have more of your hard earned money.

The Melbourne Cup a  metaphor for Australia today.



Skip the Middleman

This whole Olympic debacle about robberies and lies shows what could happen if corporations did not use sport as an advertising platform that dilutes money that could go directly to charity.

Let’s congratulate those companies that directly support charity.


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Charity: Mickey: 23-8-2016

Australian Olympians given Detention

Australian olympians Josh Palmer and Emma McKeon will be in naughty corner for the closing ceremony  after disobeying the rules. These naughty ‘children’ (22 and 24) took their own safety into their own hands and we cannot have this kind of freedom and independent thought bandied around willy nilly on the world stage.

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Olympic Detention: Mickey: 19-8-2016

Olympic Gold

The real value of the materials in an Olympic gold medal is less than $1000, its mainly silver.So why do we spend so much on athletes to get them. When it boils down to it it seems to me like a massive nationalistic propaganda campaign.

The athletes, naturally gifted or evolutionary anomalies with specific body types who have possible ego problems that drive them through extreme training schedules do their best. But should they really be funded to the tune of $10,000,000 per medal. Surely research scientists, health specialists etc have a better claim. they have endured similar hardships to train themselves to have the intellectual prowess they do. it equally matches the Evolutionary survival of the fittest requirements.

As a capitalist venture the return is not good so why I ask is it that the governments of capitalist countries continue to promote sport at this level of funding. PROPAGANDA.

It is therefore no surprise that the athletes we herald as the greatest in world come from rich nations. So the medals really only represent the greatest athletes from the wealthy world.

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Gold. Mickey. 16-8-2016

Sports People

For a short time sports people live their dream. But after the career is over it is interesting to watch their struggle to remain in the spot light. Some will sell anything. As a population  we often take advice from sports stars on all kinds of things from TVs to Home insurance, Why is this so?

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Career Opportunities: Mickey: 10-8-2016