Northern Territory Election

The dumped Country Liberal Party in the Northern territory, Australia may have as little as three seats left in Parliament but they will still cast a shadow over the Territory.

28-08-16 northern territory election
Three Seats: Mickey: 28-8-2016

House of Cards

With the election in the U.S.A coming down to its final months Clinton appears to have  distinct advantage in the swinging states. What more can they dig up on each other. What dirty tactics can House of Cards bring to us in their next season.

26-08-16 election
Your turn Trump: Mickey: 26-8-2016


Skip the Middleman

This whole Olympic debacle about robberies and lies shows what could happen if corporations did not use sport as an advertising platform that dilutes money that could go directly to charity.

Let’s congratulate those companies that directly support charity.


23-08-16 charity
Charity: Mickey: 23-8-2016

Olympics: Great Expectations.

To many expectations, too much pressure, too much money. Interesting to see two differing attitudes in the news. Denmark exceeds expectations while Australia fails to meet them. Maybe it can be related to social happiness indexes that show the Scandinavians topping the happiness and wellbeing categories constantly.

22-08-16 olympic expectation
The Olympic Cycle. Mickey. 22-08-2016